Surgical Implant Home Care Instructions


Pre-Operative Instructions

  • Wear loose fitting comfortable clothing.
  • If you wear removable dentures, retainers or any other mouth gear, bring your case with you.
  • We encourage you to eat prior to surgery.
  • Please take the following prescriptions one hour prior to surgery:
    • Dexamthasone 4mg, take two tablets (continue taking as directed after surgery, until finished.
    • Amoxicilin 500mg OR Clindamycin 150mg, take four tablets (continue taking as directed after surgery, until finished.
  • Take Tylenol #3 with Codeine as needed for pain.
  • When preparing your after surgery menu, we recommend the following: jello, banana, yogurt, pasta, milk shakes, casseroles, eggs, fish, cottage cheese, Ensure/Slim Fast, soups, pudding, rice, apple sauce, oatmeal, macaroni & cheese or mashed potatoes.

Post-Operative Instructions

  • In order to evaluate your progress and healing, we will see you for weekly post-operative checks during the first 1-5 weeks. After surgery, in most cases, we will also look forward to seeing you back for cleaning and examination of tissue about 10-12 weeks following the surgery.
  • A small amount of bleeding is normal. If excessive or continuous bleeding occurs:
    • Do not rinse your mouth.
    • Elevate your head when lying down.
    • Apply moistened gauze to the immediate area with moderate pressure for 20 minutes, repeat if necessary.
    • Enclose a moistened tea bag in a gauze square and apply pressure for 20 minutes.
    • Call the office if bleeding persists.
  • Do not smoke for at least 2 weeks following your surgical procedure.
  • Do not drink alcohol while taking prescription pain medications.
  • Do not rinse for the first 48 hours.
  • Do not brush the surgical site. You may resume normal brushing/flossing in other areas the following day.

Should you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to call the office.